torsdag 11 mars 2010


Another pig.

5 kommentarer:

Andorz sa...

Damn that's awesome. I've always admired your art. I hope you're making tons of money on it!
/Anders, hä

Unknown sa...

Hey Benjy,

Great bacon mate.

Your color palette is already very personal and thats so hard. Are you posting the new oils soon?

You know, I wouldn't mind buying a small oil study off you. Do you have anything available?



Benjamin sa...

Andorz, tackar, gillar dina bilder, smyger ofta på Grafiskforum och kikar din tråd.

uccimaru, thanks alot! Yeah, hopefully some oils will be done soon!

Hm, not really, I usually paint over everything, but I'll let you know!

Anonym sa...

Benji , du är såååå himla duktig! Hur går det med barnboksbilderna? jobba på! Vill se mera!
Häls. Birgitta, din gamla gbg-skol-kompis.

Gabriel Hunt sa...

I really like the design of this. The pig has alot of character and wisdom. Its very unique